

     時間 2時〜3時
     講師 Mrs. Heather Fiander
     場所 幸子さんのお宅
     生徒 2名

     今回はup が後ろにつくidiomについて勉強。

     1、Heads up には2つの使い方がある。
     単にHeads up という場合は
     「気をつけて」”Watch out" の意味。
     This is a heads-up to my readers that in December, 
     my monthly column will be finished. 

     2、Torn up    
                    I am turn up   「心がズタズタ」

     3、Wait up   
     “I’ll be home late tonight. Don’t wait up for me.” 
     “Wait up! I need to talk to you before you go.”

     4、(Be)Fed up     
     We are fed up with your complaining.

     5、Full up  
     「いっぱいで」「 〔…で〕ぎっしり詰まって 〔with〕」
     The  bathtub is full up.
.                   I am full up.

     6、Froze up 
      He gradually froze up and stopped visiting us.
     He froze up when I mentioned his debt. 
     The pipes froze up

     Polishing apple

     Saved by a hair. 

     Living on a shoe string 

     Bed hair,  Hat hair 

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